my most used productivity apps

With the recent update of 14.0 on most iPhones, I’ve been clearing and sorting through my most used productivity apps. I haven’t quite got around to colour coding and sorting in rainbow formation but its on the list (thank you The Home Edit!!)

There are a handful of productivity apps I realised I use constantly and that without them, I would probably struggle to stay on top of things.

Here are my ‘Can’t Live Without’ apps that could also help you get organised.

my most used productivity apps
This is my homescreen!

Productivity Apps

Calendar – Our household and my business is held together through shared schedules. My husband and I have a shared ‘Family’ calendar that has everything to do with the children, school, dentist appointments and endless football matches. We also have our own work schedules which are sometimes the only way we know where each other are. I do miss my paper diary though!!

Basecamp – This is my number one tool for my business. Basecamp has proven to be invaluable when running a business that is always ‘on’. Its scheduling, task management and project tools are great for staying organised and its built in chat function enables me and my team to stay in contact with quick messages. Literally couldn’t work without this now!

BiTC Media (Obviously!) – So at the moment, this isn’t technically an app but its a shortcut to my business website. I use it to check information but also check my mobile site is working and formatted properly. So important nowadays for SEO and search engine ranking that mobile sites are active.

Mail – I love it and hate it equal measures but sadly I cant run a business without it. I hate the noise of a new email so my phone is always on silent but I do have badge counts so I know if there is something that needs looking at.

Banking Apps

Starling Bank – When I set up my business and tried setting up and business account I was amazed how long it took to get things started with some of the high street banks. I read a lot about the new rise in alternatives and Starling came out on top and I have to say, have not disappointed. Their app based banking is perfect for a busy business and enables me to stay on top of invoices, payments and bills day to day.

LOVE THEM! And it took 5 minutes to open my account!!

Social Media

Twitter – The only social media I use at the moment for work. It gives me direct access to production companies and clients and is a lot more responsive I find. I love shouting about the work we produce, the work clients produce and just the interaction within our industry.

Covid Times

EvePass – This app is really useful ‘in these uncertain times’ (most hated phrase I think – along with ‘unprecedented’ and ‘unforeseeable’). But EvePass lets you input your track and trace information so that when you get to a venue that asks you to check in. You simply scan the QR code and your information is already loaded. So less forms to complete, much quicker and easier.

Personal Apps

Instagram – A personal social media fix! Instagram of all the platforms in my favourite and my way of switching off. I like home interior accounts, cooking, my friends. I really don’t use it for work much and I feel I have a much better control of what I see, and what I enable others to see online with Instagram. Having recently watched ‘The Social Dilemma‘ it made me really think about that and what information i’m putting out there. Watch it if you haven’t already.

WhatsApp – Really no explanation is needed for this one. Especially since lockdown I seem to constantly have WhatsApp open. From group friend chats, football teams and work chat groups its another invaluable app I would be lost without.

Headspace – This is a new addition but is slowly becoming a firm favourite. We recently produced some scripts for the new Headspace series ‘Mindful Earth‘ and I loved it so much I decided to see if a bit of relaxation and mindfulness could work for me and so far, I’ve been really surprised. Give it a try if you struggle to fall asleep or focus at times.

Google Classroom – Some of you parents may be familiar with this app, especially since March 23rd of this year. My 15 year old suddenly had to move to completely online based learning (ideal when int he middle of GCSE’s!!) but Google Classroom is now a staple in our home. It helps my son stay on top of his homework and revision, it helps him schedule his time (a great life skill he will need for sure!) and it means that i can stay across what is expected of him without having to always check in on him and pester him about homework.


After watching The Social Dilemma last week I realised that sometimes how I use my phone probably isnt healthy so decided to make a few changes.

I deleted my Facebook accounts and business page (too many reasons I wont go into now). I also turned off 98% of my notifications. The exception being Basecamp as this is always running and my team need to be able to contact me and I want to be responsive, and Sky News.

Everything else is on ‘manual’ so I can check it when I’m ready and have felt much less overwhelm since doing this. i would recommend giving it a try if you have a busy work / life schedule and need to feel a little more in control of things.

If you have any apps you would recommend for productivity or general happiness, i’d love you to share. Our phones are such a massive part of our lives now its important to use them for good and not resent them every time they bing!